I get the following error while running Prefect in...
# prefect-community
I get the following error while running Prefect in Windows. ImportError: cannot import name 'ThreadedChildWatcher' from 'asyncio' (C:\Users\xbabu\Babu\anaconda3\envs\prefect-dev\lib\asyncio\__init__.py)
Hi @Xavier Babu, I think this is a version mismatch. This is for Orion right? Does it work on another OS?
Yes, it is for Orion. It works in my Linux Server. Only on Windows I get this error. How to resolve this issue?
What are the asyncio versions for each? You can check with
pip show asyncio
Do I need to use any older version of asyncio to make it work?
I’m not sure. We can check the requirements one sec .What is the version on the working one?
there is no explicit version in the requirements.txt, but we could add one if it makes sense
We are aware of the issue and it may take time until Windows support gets added. For now, you can use WSL or run Orion on a VM
what is WSL?
You mean Subsystem for Linux. Got it
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I heard we get official release of Prefect Orion in March. Do you know the date?
I think end of march is when it goes off technical preview…but I don’t think that implies Windows support necessarily 😅
not for Windows. Release date for Linux only.
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