noticed that I can no longer select States on the ...
# prefect-community
noticed that I can no longer select States on the Cloud Hooks page (this is a Slack hook specifically), I know it worked semi-recently....any idea what might be up? cc @nicholas
I tried to reproduce but I couldn't - it seems to work for both a new hook as well as for an existing one. Could it be some transient browser issue? Or perhaps the flow in question got deleted or changed project?
hm, it works for me on a new one but not existing.
seems to work now after restarting my browser 🤷
🤔 1
🙌 1
Let us know if you run into this again @Brett Naul!
@nicholas I did also notice that the page was a bit unresponsive in general, often I would click something and 10 seconds later something would happen...probably this was just a particularly bad version of that behavior
let us know if that continues and we can open a ticket to look into it 👍