would like to know , whether anyone has tried pref...
# prefect-community
would like to know , whether anyone has tried prefect in this direction?
Hi @satyapal reddy, could you tell me more about the application?
we are creating a work management platform. we want to use prefect for automations
Yes there have been some people here who use Prefect to back an app. You have a REST API that then gets hit and triggers a new flow run for example. You can also have background processes running with Prefect
ohh thats great...
Kevin Kho, i also want to know whether can we create webhook kind task in prefect?, By webhook I mean, ability to subscribe a url , wait for call back etc
Like you build the API and you can create a flow with
You would need to poll like every minute or something to check the state of that dependency from inside a task
Otherwise you can make the flow event driven. For example, S3 bucket -> lambda -> create Prefect flow
Hello @Kevin Kho, thank you for the suggestion, i will try this and get back to you
Hello @Kevin Kho, can we create a task which is used as a scheduler ...i know there is a schedule class used for flows..but i need it as a task
Could you tell me more what the use case it? I can’t imagine a use case. You want to put a schedule on a task?