hi, seems I've found a bug: after upgrade to 2.0b2...
# prefect-community
hi, seems I've found a bug: after upgrade to 2.0b2, I'm getting this when running even the simplest flow:
Copy code
$ python flow1.py 
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/tarkovskyi/miniconda3/envs/prefect_exp/lib/python3.10/site-packages/prefect/client.py", line 257, in api_healthcheck
    await self._client.get("/health")
  File "/home/tarkovskyi/miniconda3/envs/prefect_exp/lib/python3.10/site-packages/prefect/utilities/httpx.py", line 102, in get
    return await self.request(
  File "/home/tarkovskyi/miniconda3/envs/prefect_exp/lib/python3.10/site-packages/prefect/utilities/httpx.py", line 47, in request
    request = self.build_request(
TypeError: BaseClient.build_request() got an unexpected keyword argument 'extensions'
Hi! You’ve got the httpx version 1.0.0b0 which we do not support yet
I’d recommend running
pip uninstall httpx && pip install httpx
This is due to our recommended installation command including the
flag which should be removed now.
@Marvin open “Orion: Unexpected keyword argument ‘extensions’”
pip uninstall httpx && pip install httpx
didn't help as it's still installing 1.0.0b0, instead I manually installed
Weird. 👍 I’ll update the issue
works for now with 0.22.0, thanks a lot for the very fast response, will wait for the update then
Sweet. Yeah we’ll support httpx 1.x in the next version as well. We didn’t intend for users to get the prerelease version of it 😄