Hello, I have a flow on prefect cloud that is stuc...
# prefect-community
Hello, I have a flow on prefect cloud that is stuck in a pending state, even though I have an agent ready that was previously working. It says
x slots
used in the late runs section, even though the flow does not have any tags associated with the concurrency limit (I have some other flows that do). Any ideas on how I can resolve this issue?
That sounds weird. Could you show your concurrency limits on this page?
Or could you check the labels with a query like this:
Copy code
query FlowLabelUsage($labels: [String!]) {
  flow_concurrency(labels: $labels) {
Running the query, or any query on flow_concurrency gives this error
Copy code
  "errors": [
      "message": "Unknown argument \"limit\" on field \"flow_concurrency\" of type \"Query\".",
      "extensions": {
Ah my bad I can replicate. What about if you go to the page?
I have multiple flow concurrency limits, only one tag is being used actively right now but the pending flows do not have that tag
Just confirming by tag you mean label right? Not the tags attached to tasks?
Yup I mean label*
Asking the team for advice. Will get back to you
So my thinking is that there used to be an issue where concurrency limits where not being given back upon conclusion. Let me look into that
So it was a UI side bug but it has been resolved so that page should be accurate. Still thinking here
The flows just started, was there a change on your end?
None man I am still pretty puzzled
Is this resolved now? If not, can you tell us which agent did you use and send us the stuck flow run ID and some screenshots showing this in the UI?
The issue resolved itself automatically but I believe there still might be an underlying issue agent-id: 202f365e-62f1-4fe7-a419-ce11fe68d273 flow-run-id: 2c44f2f9-45f5-4135-92a4-fdb2fe95c252
thx, the flow run ID is helpful, but for the agent, it would be more helpful to know how did you set this up and what type of agent is it run config and storage are also always helpful to track such issues
It's a local agent
prefect agent local start --name ... --label cf-data-release
. Agent is running in the same location where the flows were deployed
👍 1