in 2.0, is there a way to see inputs and outputs o...
# prefect-community
in 2.0, is there a way to see inputs and outputs of a task?
You mean in the UI? Or while coding in the IDE? Or in a flow run?
in the UI or in the logs should be enough for now, but any other way is also of interest
I mean, I want to see actual values being passed during a run
We don’t log it or cache it in any way so you’d have to log them for inputs. For outputs, you would be able to see the results in the future
but still curious why don't you intend to keep inputs? is it against something?
Kind of. We have the hybrid model which keeps execution and data in your environment so we don’t see it by default and we don’t know what code a task contains. We do have cases where you can opt-in to sharing data but not a lot. Think like we don’t want to be storing DataFrames or large inputs either unnecessarily. For applications like data lineage though, we may head in a direction where we have more insight into what tasks do, especially if you use built-in tasks, but not at the moment
well yes, our inputs can be quite large, sounds reasonable