Hey team! I'm having an issue with running prefect...
# prefect-server
Hey team! I'm having an issue with running prefect server start, but against my private docker registry. how do i configure this?
Hi @Charles Leung do you mean you put the server images used by server start into your own private registry?
hey josh yes - but it still tries to pull from the public registry. Pulling postgres ... error Pulling hasura ... error Pulling graphql ... error Pulling apollo ... error Pulling towel ... error Pulling ui ... error ERROR: for postgres Get https://registry-1.docker.io/v2/: net/http: request canceled while waiting for connection (Client.Timeout exceeded while awaiting headers) ERROR: for towel Get https://registry-1.docker.io/v2/: net/http: request canceled while waiting for connection (Client.Timeout exceeded while awaiting headers) ERROR: for apollo Get https://registry-1.docker.io/v2/: net/http: request canceled while waiting for connection (Client.Timeout exceeded while awaiting headers) ERROR: for graphql Get https://registry-1.docker.io/v2/: net/http: request canceled while waiting for connection (Client.Timeout exceeded while awaiting headers) ERROR: for hasura Get https://registry-1.docker.io/v2/: net/http: request canceled while waiting for connection (Client.Timeout exceeded while awaiting headers) ERROR: for ui Get https://registry-1.docker.io/v2/: net/http: request canceled while waiting for connection (Client.Timeout exceeded while awaiting headers) ERROR: Get https://registry-1.docker.io/v2/: net/http: request canceled while waiting for connection (Client.Timeout exceeded while awaiting headers) Get https://registry-1.docker.io/v2/: net/http: request canceled while waiting for connection (Client.Timeout exceeded while awaiting headers)
So the
prefect server start
command is a call to this docker compose file https://github.com/PrefectHQ/prefect/blob/master/src/prefect/cli/docker-compose.yml currently it only support setting image versions via a CLI option and if you want to change the image entirely you will need to update this file
got it - thanks josh!