Hi. We just tried setting up a clean install with ...
# prefect-server
Hi. We just tried setting up a clean install with 0.13.2 and the ui is not finding a tenant, and the create-default-tenant command noted in the web ui doesn't seem to be working.
Hi Rafi - apologies for that; the UI is slightly out of date on that screen. We’ll update it. In the meantime, you can use:
Copy code
from prefect import Client

client = Client()
ah sorry!
is the correct method
Well thanks for the correction before I got to testing. Was about to build a new environment first, for other reasons.
👍 1
creating default failed because of "uniqueness". So created one with a different name, no error. But neither show up in the webui
oh, maybe not, unsure, the tenant box is gone now.
What are you hoping to use tenants for? Right now, Tenants in Server don’t have any function
Good question, but at this point was just paying attention and trying to clear errors in the process of getting the fresh version up and running before we tell people to test.
yea gotcha, makes sense — as long as you have a tenant created (which it sounds like you do), you should be good to go with no further modification
and note that the CLI command
prefect server start
will automatically create a “default” tenant for you at start up
I will try out a clean build again in a bit or tomorrow.
Sounds good; and just in case, it’s worth mentioning — if you use the free tier of Cloud you don’t have to bother with most of these things; something to keep in mind!
Yeah, there are reasons for running from the cloud, but also reasons to prefer to keep things in-house when reasonable. We actually have a paid license for the cloud service, but for the moment still would like to see if we can operate at least partly in-house.