Hi everyone, I would like to use specific version ...
# prefect-server
Hi everyone, I would like to use specific version of Prefect. When testing things locally
prefect server start --version 0.13.2
gives me an error. It's looking for the manifest for
which doesn't exist. Using the
works, but I would rather not use the latest tag in a production system as it may change when you don't want to. Looking at tags of prefecthq/server, prefecthq/apollo and prefecthq/ui the latest common version was
. Where can I find which versions of those Prefect components are compatible?
Hi @Lukas N., as of 0.13.0 Prefect Server is now a separate project and therefore will have different versioning than Prefect Core, which is why there isn’t a corresponding versioned image. We will develop guidelines for pinning Core versions to compatible Server versions in the near future.
Awesome, thanks, looking forward to that 🙂
👍 1