Hi guys, how do you dockerize your environment wit...
# prefect-server
Hi guys, how do you dockerize your environment with prefect server? It starts by invoking docker-compose so I have to mount the host's docker socket to make that possible in dev, but what about production?
Hi @Harry Nguyen - Prefect Server is already fully dockerized; each portion of the stack lives in its own container, and all are connected via a docker network and then exposed to the host machine on various ports. Are you trying to put all of these within another container?
yes @nicholas I want to make prefect as part of my stack with my own docker-compose.yml, just wondering what would be the best way to do that?
Hm got it @Harry Nguyen - the best recommendation I have is to take a look at the
file included in the Server and Core repos and see how they can be adapted to your own; since every set up is different I can't make any concrete recommendations.