if i try to connect to a local prefect server with...
# prefect-server
if i try to connect to a local prefect server with a prefect agent inside a docker container by using: prefect agent start --api, no flow gets deployed to the server. is there anything i am missing?
Hi @sebastian.clanzett! Just to clarify, running an agent and registering a flow are two different actions. Once you register a Flow, you can schedule Flow Runs. Then, the agent should (in the case of a Docker agent) pull and run that Flow’s specified container to create a Flow Run
So, even if you have a Prefect Server instance and an Agent running, you still need to register your Flow with your Prefect Server instance
I do know that. And of course i did register and trigger the flow. 😉
My guess is that this has something todo with running the agent inside the docker container while server is running on a different host
But i still dont have a clue
You may need to provide a URI to your agent to connect to server
Thats what i did with --api . But i found the missing part. If i register a new flow the flow automatically gets a label with the name of the host where the flow has been created. So what i need to do is somehow alter this label so that the agent can pick up the job
Ah yes my apologies. For the local executor, we add labels with the name of your machine. If your local agent is also running on that machine, you can add a label with your machine’s name with
at agent start
I added a comment to this issue outlining the snag you ran into. We’ll do our best to make this process a bit clearer/easier: https://github.com/PrefectHQ/prefect/issues/3242