Hi. I just updated to prefect 0.13.8 and I'm seein...
# prefect-server
Hi. I just updated to prefect 0.13.8 and I'm seeing logs for graphql foreign key violations on starting the server. I cleaned up the existing docker images and volumes, and everything in ~/.prefect except config.toml and backend.toml, just to see if that changes anything, but I still see it.
Hi @Gitanshu Sardana - just to clarify is this on a clean installation?
Hi @nicholas! 😄 No. I already had a prefect + dask setup, i think it was 0.13.4 and then i updated the prefect version.
Got it - thank you! Let me look into this; I may ask you to open a ticket on the Server repo if this isn't immediately solvable, just so we can look into it next week.
Sounds good!
Hm since it's a foreign key violation it seems you're trying to write something to the DB from an inherited model whose ancestor doesn't exist. In this case the flow/task run doesn't seem to exist. When you upgraded, did you run the db migrations?
No i didn't. Didn't know I have to do this. Where do i find this in the docs?
Normally you shouldn't need to (
prefect server start
does this by default)
Just trying to figure out how you could get into this state, it's an odd one. Would you mind opening an issue at the link i posted above?
Sure. I'll do that
What I am confused about is how do I still see this even though I cleared all docker images and volumes and ~./prefect. Is the DB stored somewhere else?
Yeah that's very odd to me, if you've cleared your images and volumes it doesn't make much sense
You could try pruning your images/system with
docker system prune
docker images prune
I tried that. I also tried reproducing it on 2 other machines but couldn't. Opened an issue here with full logs
Thanks @Gitanshu Sardana - odd for sure but if we can repro somehow we'll see what's up.
I am having the same issue with my upgrade.
Plus when I attempt to bring up the server on a web page using port 8080, I get the message
@Michael J Hall - would you mind starting a new thread describing your issue?
Sure, np. I was able to get the graphql API to work when I logged on to the Linux server via localhost, which is not what I want. I want to be able to access a web browser client remote from the server. Is there a setting to do this via the config.toml config file?