Hey Team! If i were running prefect server locally...
# prefect-server
Hey Team! If i were running prefect server locally (not on cloud), how would i swap out the docker image of postgres with a postgres i already have running? Would it be a change in the following for docker-compose.yml: PREFECT_SERVER_DB_CMD: ${PREFECT_SERVER_DB_CMD:-"echo 'DATABASE MIGRATIONS SKIPPED'"} PREFECT_SERVER__DATABASE__CONNECTION_URL: ${DB_CONNECTION_URL} would this be recommended? or you think prefect should have its own dedicated postgres instance?
👀 1
Hi @Charles Leung I added a pr to address this in response to a similar question in the community channel: https://prefect-community.slack.com/archives/CL09KU1K7/p1601388791186300?thread_ts=1601388791.186300&cid=CL09KU1K7
Hope that helps - please let me know if it doesn't. And if you think the pr needs any other information, please add to it! 🙂
Perfect! thanks Jenny 🙂 i'll take a look!