Hey Team! I see that the nomad-agent was deprecate...
# prefect-server
Hey Team! I see that the nomad-agent was deprecated; is there a particular reason this was the case?
Hi Charles! We originally built that for an early customer that no longer uses nomad, and were finding it was a lot of work to continue maintaining when no one was using it. Definitely open to resurrecting it if there’s community interest - maybe open a GitHub issue if you’d like to see that happen
Ok thank you chris! that's helpful insight -
👍 1
Hey chris - following up on this; my team still uses nomad but i believe on the longer term we are switching to using k8s. however i tried to just run nomad agent to see how it fares right now using prefect==0.9.8 (the last one before max_poll seems to not make it work) - it seems it's not picking up my tasks; does it work at its current state or was it just a POC?
Hmmmm I definitely can’t guarantee it will work, but I would expect it to work. Does it have labels matching those of your Flows?
yep! both have matching labels
are you running against Prefect Server or Prefect Cloud?
prefect cloud
hmmm yea 0.9.8 is compatible with Cloud for sure… are you seeing any logs from the agent?
Found flow runs ['ac588a53-f1a5-40bf-a4d0-3d02250a3b12'] [2020-10-01 210311,458] DEBUG - agent | Querying flow run metadata [2020-10-01 210311,765] INFO - agent | Found 1 flow run(s) to submit for execution. [2020-10-01 210311,766] DEBUG - agent | Updating states for flow run ac588a53-f1a5-40bf-a4d0-3d02250a3b12 [2020-10-01 210311,766] DEBUG - agent | Next query for flow runs in 0.25 seconds [2020-10-01 210311,767] DEBUG - agent | Flow run ac588a53-f1a5-40bf-a4d0-3d02250a3b12 is in a Scheduled state, updating to Submitted [2020-10-01 210312,018] DEBUG - agent | Querying for flow runs [2020-10-01 210312,333] DEBUG - agent | No flow runs found [2020-10-01 210312,333] DEBUG - agent | Next query for flow runs in 0.5 seconds [2020-10-01 210312,386] DEBUG - agent | Completed flow run submission (id: ac588a53-f1a5-40bf-a4d0-3d02250a3b12)
pretty much the job is stuck at the submission state -
gotcha, then that is most likely an issue with how the agent is talking to nomad which might be hard to debug since it’s such an old version of Prefect. If you’re up for the challenge, it could be really useful to dig into the individual steps that the agent is taking when it creates the nomad job and see where it’s failing — it seems that the nomad client itself isn’t erroring out
gotcha thanks 🙂. I'll review it when i have the chance!
sounds good! if you learn anything, that could be a really useful first step in re-implementing the nomad agent