Hey, we're seeing some duplicate flow runs, got an...
# prefect-server
Hey, we're seeing some duplicate flow runs, got any ideas? (more info in thread)
Hi did a quick scan in history and couldn't find an answer to it. We're running a
and we have more than one replica. I think it leads to a single flow run being deployed multiple times. Are we supposed to have only one replica or is there another solution? Went through the Prefect code and found only this bit where it checks for duplicates but only in the agent threads, but not across multiple instances of agents. So if multiple agents query for flow runs at the approx. same time, they will both deploy the same flow run is that right?
Hi Lukas are you using Server or Cloud?
Hi Chris, I'm using Server
Ah ok, on Server you should only have a single replica as Server is designed for single node / single user deployments. In Prefect Cloud there is a locking mechanism on Submitted states that prevents these duplicate deployments
Ah I see, that was what I expected, thanks 👍
👍 2