Hi guys, I am having some trouble figuring out th...
# prefect-server
Hi guys, I am having some trouble figuring out the UI configuration logic, where I simply want to use another url than the 
This specific setup were I'm currently testing this is running the following:
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"platform": "Windows-10-10.0.19041-SP0",
"prefect_backend": "server",
"prefect_version": "0.13.11",
"python_version": "3.8.3"
I followed the guide for UI configuration and I added the following to my config (/home./prefect/config.toml):
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backend = "server"
    apollo_url = "http://<url>:4200/graphql"
It works just fine, if you check `prefect diagnostics`:
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  "config_overrides": {
    "backend": true,
    "server": {
      "ui": {
        "apollo_url": true
  "env_vars": [],
  "system_information": {
    "platform": "Windows-10-10.0.19041-SP0",
    "prefect_backend": "server",
    "prefect_version": "0.13.11",
    "python_version": "3.8.3"
I can also see that the UI indeed understand that the configuration have been added to the config.toml where it picks up the specific URL at: 
Copy code
  "server_url": "http://<url>:4200/graphql"
When I then dig a littler deeper into the network requests happening in relation to the UI, I can then see that everything are still are happening at: 
 (Please see attachment) Which must be related to that it always insert 
 into the localstorage automatically,. (Please see attachment) Why isn't it inserting the right URL into the localstorage? It only use the right URL if I manually adds it to the localstorage.
hi @Dave - which version of Prefect are you using?
I am using 0.13.11, should be the newest one as far as I know.
Ok great, thank you - let me look into this
Gracias, let me know if you need anything else and thank you for looking into this. prefect duck
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Were you able to replicate my findings?
Ah sorry @Dave, I forgot to follow up here. Yes, I was able to replicate what you were seeing: https://github.com/PrefectHQ/ui/pull/360 should fix that and I expect it should be released with the next Server release. If you want to try it ahead of time, you can pull the
UI image 🙂
No worries, I am not in a rush, I'm really pleased with using Prefect! 👏 Thank you!
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Glad to hear it! Feel free to ping me again if you're still seeing your issue in the next release
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Hi Nicholas I'm not sure its a bug yet but I tried out the latest release off the UI the grapqhl config is indeed working. Unfortunately the <http://host:8080/default?agents=%7Chttp://&lt;host_url&gt;:8080/default?agents=>, is not displaying the agents correctly anymore. Way to replicate it: 1. Open Chrome/Edge and go directly <http://host:8080/default?agents=%7Chttp://&lt;host_url&gt;:8080/default?agents=> 2. Open Chrome/Edge and go to <http://host:8080/default?agents=%7Chttp://&lt;host_url&gt;:8080/default> and browse to the Agents page. I had it working in Edge but then I cleared my localstorage, cache etc, and then the same occurred as in Chrome.
When you say not displaying the agents correctly, what do you mean? I'm not seeing any issues with what you described above when i try locally
I run the following commands:
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prefect server start -uv latest & prefect agent start --name "Agent01" &
When I then browse to the agent page it displays me the following (Please see attachement) If I go back to a few versions to version 2020-10-13, then the agent page are again working. This mean that after version 2020-10-13 the agent page stopped working (http://localhost:8080/default?agents=)
Hi @Dave - after looking into this, it might be a mismatch in Server/UI version, which I expect to be fixed with this most recent release of Server. Could you upgrade to today's release and report back? I haven't been able to reproduce your issue
The most recent release of Prefect * i should say, which includes the most recent release of Server.
Unfortunately I am still having problems with Agents not showing up in the UI: I did a completely fresh install and ran the following commands: CMD 1:
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prefect backend server && prefect server start
After Prefect server is running I ran in CMD 2:
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prefect server create-tenant --name default --slug default
Selected the tenant in the UI and ran in CMD 2:
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prefect agent start --name "Default Agent"
I then go to Dashboard (Atachment dashboard_core-0.13.13.png) and then to the agent-page (Atachment agent_core-0.13.13.png) If I then go a version back (I again did a fresh install and did the steps above with the only change):
Copy code
prefect server start -v core-0.13.12 -uv core-0.13.12
I then go to Dashboard (Atachment dashboard_core-0.13.12.png) and then to the agent-page (Atachment agent_core-0.13.12.png) Are you not experiencing the same? Please note that on dashboard_core-0.13.13.png the outline of the "Agent Card" is now Green and not Yellow.
Hm no I'm not seeing the same but this sounds like a bug since you're able to see the agent on the dashboard but not the agents tile. Let me see if I can reproduce and if not will open a ticket for it
In version "*prefect server start -v core-0.13.13 -uv core-0.13.13*" I'm not able to see the agent anywhere in the UI. Where in version "*prefect server start -v core-0.13.12 -uv core-0.13.12*" I am.
Ok I've confirmed this as a bug and opened up a ticket on the UI repo - I'm not sure that's where the bug is yet but will use that as a starting point to get to the bottom of it. You can follow the ticket here: https://github.com/PrefectHQ/ui/issues/386
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Following up - we've identified the issue (fixed here) and released the fix to Cloud; I expect the latest Server images will be retagged with the latest UI release shortly 🙂
Sounds great! 👏🏻👏🏻