CDN fails to fetch roboto due to CSP error on chro...
# prefect-server
CDN fails to fetch roboto due to CSP error on chrome; how do i resolve this? Refused to load the stylesheet 'https%3A%2F%2Ffonts%2egoogleapis%2ecom%2fcss%3ffamily%3dRoboto%3a100%2c300%2c400%2c500%2c700%7cMaterial%2bIcons%7cMaterial%2bIcons%2bOutlined&wexps=1&_ordtok=7Nk3WVLDshWjFTQHnwkqqSNPvF' because it violates the following Content Security Policy directive: "style-src-elem 'self' 'unsafe-inline'".
the /home page as a result looks muddled and isn't rendered properly
Hey @Charles Leung, Is this occurring when visiting your Server instance UI in Chrome after starting up Prefect Server with the CLI? If so, this may be blocked by your company’s internal network.
i see - i'll check with my team. Thanks!
Hey Kyle! so i actually fixed this; i realized the problem was because we were behind a corporate proxy, the actual redirected url looks something like path). I fixed it by just doing a sed command on the built index.html within docker.
Nice! Thanks for the update - hopefully this will help someone in the future. 🤖