Hi :wave: , Any tips on how I might debug this :th...
# prefect-server
Hi šŸ‘‹ , Any tips on how I might debug this šŸ¤”
Copy code
prefect[9118]: Pulling postgres ...
prefect[9118]: Pulling hasura   ...
prefect[9118]: Pulling graphql  ...
prefect[9118]: Pulling towel    ...
prefect[9118]: Pulling apollo   ...
prefect[9118]: Pulling ui       ...
prefect[9118]: [29.6K blob data] Host is already in use by another container
prefect[9118]: [47B blob data]prefect[9118]: ERROR: for cli_postgres_1  Cannot start service postgres: driver failed programming external connectivity on endpoint cli_postgres_1 (32c027fb4da78cf7d569efc0a4f33e5baed8621c161b7c4a2c5efca694b3912c): Error starting userland proxy: listen tcp bind: address already in use
Dec 10 14:53:26 mb-01 prefect[9118]: ERROR: for postgres  Cannot start service postgres: driver failed programming external connectivity on endpoint cli_postgres_1 (32c027fb4da78cf7d569efc0a4f33e5baed8621c161b7c4a2c5efca694b3912c): Error starting userland proxy: listen tcp bind: address already in use
prefect[9118]: Encountered errors while bringing up the project.
I'm no expert but that error suggests to me that there's already something running on the system that's bound to port 5432, so prefect's postgres instance can't start
you could either kill whatever is already running on port 5432, or start the server with
prefect server start --postgres-port x
is a port which isn't already being used on the machine
Thanks, so I did that and killed the process and cleaned all docker containers and images.
But then I got another error:
FATAL:Ā could not write lock file "postmaster.pid": No space left on device
upon starting the server
Well it says what is wrong doesnā€™t? šŸ˜… Your disk is full. No kidding, you probably should clean up your docker (
docker system prune
check docs for everything it try to do), or increase your docker volume (in case of mac, not sure how windows handles it)
The thing is, i do have plenty of GBs of space (200+) thatā€™s available - hence my confusion : /
Is that the disk of your machine or what docker has access to? Because those are different things.
Kinda depends on your machiene / OS and how you setup docker
If it is macos for instance, checkout the tips I gave, either clean up your docker volume or increase it in size šŸ™‚
Ubuntu is what I am using. The most ā€œrecentā€ error i saw is this
Error: (psycopg2.OperationalError) could not translate host name "postgres" to address: Name or service not known
I did do
docker system prune
and ā€œreclaimedā€ šŸ˜„ 17 more gigs, so that was nice. Thanks for that.
I found the problem ā€¦ the location where Prefect saves data is full.
How can I clean it up? Itā€™s 100GB, which is crazy considering I have used it for 20 days or so.
Woah that is alot, no idea, not running prefect in production yet. But I could imagine if you use the LocalResult (or some other Result mechanism) it takes up space, if that is the data you are referring to, see if you can disable it or clean it up after a run?
I donā€™t know whatā€™s safe to delete. This is not
but instead itā€™s the task
flow.storage = Local(directory='/this/location)
Do you recon itā€™s save to clean up after evey task or once in a while?
Donā€™t take my word for it, but AFAIK the results is only used for caching. Such that you can restart at a later point in the flow, without having to recalculate earlier tasks. Best to check docs to be sure šŸ™‚
šŸ‘ 1