I can't seem to find docs on access to the graphql...
# prefect-server
I can't seem to find docs on access to the graphql interactive API outside of the UI? Is the idea to use the lib for interactions?
Hi @Adrian - I'm not sure what you mean; the InteractiveAPI is part of the Prefect UI. You can configure an external graphql playground to point to the Prefect API (using something like GraphiQL or Altair) as well, to which you'll pass the endpoint (api.prefect.io for Cloud or your Server deployment endpoint) and if using Cloud an access token that you can generate from the UI
thanks @nicholas. That's helpful. The API is documented well for interacting with it using the libraries but I can't find GraphQL reference
Ah gotcha - it's self-documenting as a result of being a GraphQL API; as a result you can access the schema at any time using either the Interactive API in the UI (there's a docs button in the top right!) or one of the other GraphQL Clients. I think it would be a good idea for our docs to also fetch that schema and show it as a reference though!
Yeah, I think it would, especially for those that don't want to use the UI 😛