Hi, When I run below command, ~/.prefect path not ...
# prefect-server
Hi, When I run below command, ~/.prefect path not generated. can anyone let me know where it will be present?
Copy code
prefect backend server
What’s the output of the command when you run it?
Backend switched to server
mmmh…strange… Try to search for a file named
Something like
find / -name "backend.toml"
oh, i think it will be config.toml
got the file with your mentioned name
can you please guide me how can I change api url for ui in this file?
I think you have to change it
ok and then in config.toml it will be like below [server] [server.ui] graphql_url = "http://$IP:4200/graphql"
That should work
This command should create the
If it didn't create this file, that's a bug and we'd appreciate a report with details 🙂 https://github.com/PrefectHQ/prefect/issues/new?assignees=&labels=&template=1.+bug_report.md&title=
@Zanie Thanks, got the file I have a query. as I'm suffering form last 5 days. I have created a docker compose file: version: '3.7' services: apollo: command: bash -c "./post-start.sh && npm run serve" environment: GRAPHQL_SERVICE_HOST: http://graphql GRAPHQL_SERVICE_PORT: 4201 HASURA_API_URL: http://hasura:3000/v1alpha1/graphql PREFECT_API_HEALTH_URL: http://graphql:4201/health PREFECT_API_URL: http://graphql:4201/graphql/ PREFECT_SERVER__TELEMETRY__ENABLED: "true" depends_on: - graphql image: prefecthq/apollo:core-0.14.6 ports: - 4200:4200 restart: always graphql: command: bash -c "prefect-server database upgrade -y && python src/prefect_server/services/graphql/server.py" environment: PREFECT_CORE_VERSION: "UNKNOWN" PREFECT_SERVER_DB_CMD: echo 'DATABASE MIGRATIONS SKIPPED' PREFECT_SERVER__DATABASE__CONNECTION_URL: [connection string] PREFECT_SERVER__HASURA__HOST: hasura depends_on: - hasura image: prefecthq/server:core-0.14.6 ports: - 4201:4201 restart: always hasura: command: "graphql-engine serve" environment: HASURA_GRAPHQL_DATABASE_URL: [connection string] HASURA_GRAPHQL_ENABLE_CONSOLE: 'true' HASURA_GRAPHQL_LOG_LEVEL: warn HASURA_GRAPHQL_QUERY_PLAN_CACHE_SIZE: 100 HASURA_GRAPHQL_SERVER_PORT: '3000' depends_on: - postgres image: hasura/graphql-engine:v1.3.0 ports: - 3000:3000 restart: always postgres: command: - postgres - -c - max_connections=150 environment: POSTGRES_DB: [db] POSTGRES_PASSWORD: [username] POSTGRES_USER: [password] image: postgres:11 ports: - 5432:5432 restart: always towel: command: python src/prefect_server/services/towel/__main__.py depends_on: - graphql environment: PREFECT_SERVER__HASURA__ADMIN_SECRET: hasura-secret-admin-secret PREFECT_SERVER__HASURA__HOST: hasura image: prefecthq/server:core-0.14.6 restart: always ui: command: /intercept.sh depends_on: - apollo environment: PREFECT_SERVER__APOLLO_URL: http://localhost:4200/graphql/ image: prefecthq/ui:core-0.14.6 ports: - 8081:8080 restart: always how i can change PREFECT_SERVER__APOLLO_URL for this. I mean where I need to place config.toml file?
I think you want
I'm not entirely sure what you're trying to do
yes, I want to set config.server.ui.apollo_url Although, I have added the environment variable in ui, but it's not picking the url i mentioned. It always point to localhost ui:     command: /intercept.sh     depends_on:     - apollo     environment:       PREFECT_SERVER__APOLLO_URL: http://localhost:4200/graphql/     image: prefecthq/ui:core-0.14.6     ports:     - 8081:8080     restart: always
PREFECT_SERVER__APOLLO_URL: http://localhost:4200/graphql/ I want to add my own url in this place lik PREFECT_SERVER__APOLLO_URL: http://IP:4200/graphql/
Did you change it in the docker-compose file?
Or are you generating this file on the fly?
I have changed it to docker compose file, but it's still picking the localhost url
You may need to clear your browser cache, it can persist that variablw