If there was work done to implement tenants for se...
# prefect-server
If there was work done to implement tenants for server, would a PR be entertained? Or is that a hard segregation you are trying to maintain at all costs between cloud / server?
Hi @Adam Brusselback - there are actually basic teams/tenants in Server already. You can run
prefect server create-tenant --name <<tenant_name>> --slug <<tenant_slug>>
to create one. However, because tenants use auth (which we don't actively support in server) for filtering etc, the tenants in server have a lot less functionality than in Cloud - for example they're not currently respected by the UI. (A bit more background here: https://github.com/PrefectHQ/ui/pull/63/files)
Yeah, I had seen the support in the DB model, and I realize auth is missing which is what ties it all together. I was considering some basic auth to be a part of whatever implementation. Thanks for the link!
Are those differences documented anywhere? Just trying to figure out the ones that are intended to be temporary, vs intentional ones for market segmentation
I dunno if there's a centralised place where the differences are all documented, but when looking through the docs, cloud-only features have a little blue "Cloud" label. Everything related to users and authentication has this label (e.g. https://docs.prefect.io/orchestration/concepts/api.html#authentication and https://docs.prefect.io/orchestration/concepts/roles.html and https://docs.prefect.io/orchestration/concepts/tokens.html). I can't speak for the owners of Prefect, but the distinct impression I've gotten from reading posts from employees in this slack channel over the last few months is that user authentication is something that's deliberately going to stay cloud-only.
A lot of our decisions are based as much on what we can support - so for example for auth we can’t provide the same solution in Server as Cloud since we don’t own the infrastructure. I think if you wanted to tackle tenants (and tenants filtering in the UI) it might be easier to focus on that issue without adding the complications of auth.