I have a prefect agent running inside a docker con...
# prefect-server
I have a prefect agent running inside a docker container that connects to the prefect cloud server. When i initially register flows to run on this agent they execute fine, but if I update the task/flow logic (without changing the method signature - ie. just adding more logging statements), rebuild the container, and execute the flow I get an error
Failed to load and execute Flow's environment
. This is the full error
Copy code
Failed to load and execute Flow's environment: ModuleNotFoundError("No module named '/root/'")
This happens every time I update the flow regardless of what changes are actually made. I'm guessing I'm doing to setup or storage wrong but not really sure where to start - any direction would be much appreciated!
Hi @Mark Dodds! Could you share your Flow’s Run Config and Storage code, along with your Agent info?
(Any config you do when you start your agent, etc)
Thanks for the reply - I actually solved it. Turns out when I changed the code it rebuilt the container and I was using LocalStorage so the flows got wiped out each time.