Hi all! I'm looking to spin up a second K8 agent i...
# prefect-server
Hi all! I'm looking to spin up a second K8 agent in the same cluster as a dev agent, but it does not seem to appear when following the kubectl install options. Any pointers?
Hey Charles! When you say “appear”, do you mean in the UI? If so, I suggest changing the name of your second agent with the
flag on
prefect agent start
within the manifest that
kubectl install
I was checking via kubectl get deploy and it's only listing my existing agent at the moment.
Oh I see, in that case can you describe exactly which commands you ran?
Sure! I ran prefect agent kubernetes install -t TOKEN --rbac | kubectl apply -f -
so you're saying it needs a new --name flag?
No, I don’t think that would change it — you might need to edit the output of the install command; it’s possible k8s already saw a prefect-agent deployment and updated it instead of creating a new one
Gotcha. I tried adding a label with -l, but it took my original agent offline.
right - i think you need to change the name of the kubernetes deployment