Quick question: is there a setting or a flag that ...
# prefect-server
Quick question: is there a setting or a flag that will not allow prefect to queue a flow that is identical to one that is currently running in the schedule queue?
Hey Charles — on Prefect Cloud, you can set concurrency limits on the labels of your flow; in this case you could set a limit of 1 so that no more than 1 flow with that label can run at any time. If you’re using Prefect Server, this is not currently available but we do have a plan to implement a similar feature here: https://github.com/PrefectHQ/server/issues/213
Yup we're on cloud! I'll take a look, thanks!
awesome! Yea you should be able to set the limit on Team > Flow Concurrency Limits, but let me know if you can’t find it
Found it! Gonna give it a spin. Thanks!
anytime 😄