Hi, is there a way to setup email cloud-hooks on a...
# prefect-server
Hi, is there a way to setup email cloud-hooks on a local instance of the prefect server? Or is this only available in the cloud version?
Hi @Florian Kühnlenz, email cloud hooks are not available in server because you need a service to sent the e-mail (SendGrid). You can add an e-mail hook for SendGrid to the backend but the UI won’t support it.
Alright, one more reason to persuade the company to buy a cloud plan! 😁
Yeah… not trying to sell here but Cloud gives you 10,000 free task runs every month. It’s definitely a lot to get started with.
Just let us know if you want something scheduled with the sales team
👍 1
Btw @Florian Kühnlenz, regarding the Module storage question you had, this might also be useful to you: https://docs.prefect.io/api/latest/cli/build.html#build-2