Hi team, I am trying to get prefect server to be i...
# prefect-server
Hi team, I am trying to get prefect server to be installed on our dev boxes. It works for me locally. But our boxes don't support downloading the docker images from external websites. Where can i find the images for the services that prefect uses (postgres, hasura, graphql,apollo, towel) which i be able to upload to our internal registry? Also is there any other suggestion for doing this type of deployment?
Hi @Minakshi - you can find the docker images in the Prefect Docker hub. So long as your use is in compliance with the Prefect Community license you may use them as you see fit. Otherwise, this isn't a deployment method that we provide support for so I can't offer much guidance.
awesome thank you!
😄 1
This docker-compose.yml has postgres and hasura. Where does it fetch images for apollo and other services ? https://github.com/PrefectHQ/server/blob/master/docker/infrastructure/docker-compose.yml
Hi @Minakshi - sorry, I was out on Friday and missed this message. That docker-compose is meant for running Server for dev purposes, so apollo etc are run in local processes. You're looking for this docker-compose file.
great thank you!
😄 1