Hey there! Is the newly introduced <KV Store> also...
# prefect-server
Hey there! Is the newly introduced KV Store also coming to Prefect Server? Or will this be cloud-only feature?
Seems cloud only. Though you could setup your own functions to provide the same behavior (backed by the datastore of your choice).
Yea I thought so, but would be nice if helm chart was enhanced with redis or something alike
If it's a game changer, I'd suggest signing up for the cloud offering. I think the new pricing is a lot more palatable. If the new pricing was available when I was setting up originally, I wouldn't have self hosted prefect server 😅
Hmm not sure, we are kinda content with hosting it ourselves. Prefect cloud has limitation of max concurrency of two flows or something right, or has that changed too with new pricing model?
I can’t seem to find any notion of that, do you (or anyone else) knows if cloud still only allows 2 flows to run on basic plans? If not, might be worthwile to make a switch
Hi @Joël Luijmes - that's no longer the case! All plans have unlimited concurrency as well as 10,000 free task runs per month 🙂
For more information on our new pricing model, check out our pricing page:https://www.prefect.io/pricing
And to answer your initial question: the KV store is Cloud only and at this point there are no plans to create a parallel implementation in Server
Oeh then Cloud became very interesting then 🙂 Thanks for your reply!
😄 1
I couldn’t find anyting about the flow concurrency, hence I wasn’t sure if limit no longer existed or was hidden on some other page 😛
Ah that's probably an oversight on our part for users that have been around awhile!
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