Hi Everyone, I was wondering if there is a how-to ...
# prefect-server
Hi Everyone, I was wondering if there is a how-to guide to bring up a prefect-server instance on docker platform I can read on? No strict limitation on how many containers are needed at this point. I’m more interested in an approach that is maintainable.
Hi @Mehdi Nazari, is there something more you need than
prefect server start
? Just making sure you know that Prefect Cloud gives 10000 free task runs per month.
Thanks @Kevin Kho, Prefect server start, would deploy prefect on a local docker instance if I’m not mistaken. we do have a test platform which is separate from what my local instance. I’d want to be able to deploy and test Prefect server on there so that a group of people can test and evaluate. Is that something possible?
Yes that is possible. It's a matter of configurating the API. Instead of something like http://localhost:4201, it will be http://your-ip-address:4201. Then other machines can connect to the server API
Great, Is there a good documentation I can read as to where to modify those configurations? Please let me know @Kevin Kho
This might be the best page for that.
👍 1
Thank you so much, I may have more question if that’s ok with you to ask?
Yes just ask. Will try my best to answer
🙏 1
Hello There! I’m having a little bit of issue bringing up an agent on our local docker platform. we’re trying to evaluate Prefect with the Hybrid approach see if this fits our organization. When you have a chance, would you let me know so I could let you know what the setup is please?
You can just ask it here if it’s a technical question and I’ll respond. What issue do you have?
Plan is to spin up an agent which would work with Prefect Cloud UI. The agent is a local docker agent and is responsible for Flow Runs in-house. We connect and manage our Docker instance with docker-machine; Simply trying to bring up a Prefect Agent is not working in our case. and I get connection errors.
I can provide more context if needed, but I’m trying to make sure my approach is right.
It should be right. Just clarifying this is Prefect Cloud, and not Server right? What is the error you get with the connection?
yeah no, I have a Prefect Cloud UI setup to test this. (and got all the required API-keys)
docker.errors.DockerException: Error while fetching server API version: (‘Connection aborted.’, ConnectionRefusedError(61, ‘Connection refused’))
I get this error running the command
Copy code
prefect agent docker start
I’d be happy to give you more context if needed! just let me know.
Seems like it’s trying to access server? Did you try
prefect backend cloud
I did not!
Let’s try that and see if it helps. Can you also try a
local agent
prefect agent local start
Sure, just a note, I’m executing these commands on my local computer which is executing those command on a remote docker server.
I think that should be fine
Does your docker server allow outbound http requests?
Yeah! to connect to Prefect Cloud, right?
Copy code
prefect agent local start
worked fine, but the agent is on my local computer!?
I want the agent to be on our Docker platform.
I wish we could jump on a call or something, not sure if that’s possible? would be great help to clarify!
Sorry I’m a bit confused. If the local agent is on the local computer, the docker agent will also be a process on the local computer. If you’re running the commands on the docker server, then the local agent or docker agent would run there.
Yeah I thought it’d be confusing. let me help you understand first
@Mehdi Nazari were you able to resolve your issue? I’m in a bit of a similar boat