Hey there! Not sure if this is the right channel, ...
# prefect-server
Hey there! Not sure if this is the right channel, so feel free to point me in the right direction. I just started a new job where they use prefect; I've created an account with my work email but I'm never getting the "confirm your email" email. Am I missing something?
Hey @Constantino Schillebeeckx, cloud users normally post in #prefect-community but this channel works! I’ll reach out to a team member to look into this. Are you sure it didn’t end up in your spam folder?
yep I'm sure
Hi @Constantino Schillebeeckx - we've gone ahead and resent the email; please check your spam folders and if necessary add
to the allow list of your email filter 👍
actually, I think I'm stupid - I have a typo in my own damn name.
gimme one sec
yep, user error 😠
Uhoh 😆 Let us know if we can help at all with that
heheh ok I'm in - feel free to close any ticket related to this. I'm excited to start learning
marvin 2
👍 2