If I have a <prefect.io> running on a VM and I wan...
# prefect-server
If I have a prefect.io running on a VM and I want to test the cloud server, do I need to stop the agent running on my laptop first, or can I have the agent for the cloud server and the agent for the VM server running at the same time ?
Hey @YD, you need to stop the agent…but you can just start a different agent after doing
prefect backend cloud
and leave both on at the same time.
hi @Kevin Kho I do not see in https://docs.prefect.io/api/latest/cli/agent.html how to stop an agent. if I do
prefect backend cloud
prefect auth login --key <YOUR-KEY>
and if the agent that is registered on the VM Prefect server is still running, which server will be managing my flows ? I do not see an option in the
method, unless it is some keyword
Copy code
def register(
        project_name: str = None,
        build: bool = True,
        labels: List[str] = None,
        set_schedule_active: bool = True,
        version_group_id: str = None,
        no_url: bool = False,
        idempotency_key: str = None,
        **kwargs: Any,
    ) -> Union[str, None]:
I see... when I run
prefect backend cloud
I get a message
Backend switched to cloud
To stop an agent, just stop the process. If you use supervisor, just kill the process. The agent is unrelated to the registration. After you do
prefect backend cloud
, if you are authenticated, the registration will happen on the Cloud
Yeah and then you just do
prefect backend server
to make prefect commands run against server
I get an error when doing
prefect auth login --key <key>
Error: no such option: --key
maybe having older prefect... looking in the docs for how to update
Just pip install with
pip install -U prefect
did that and it solved the issue