I saw some notes about the interactive ui enforcin...
# prefect-server
I saw some notes about the interactive ui enforcing pagination on graphql requests. Is pagination forced on all graphql requests?
Hey @Lawrence Finn , I need to ask the team about this
Similarly, is there a request timeout built in? I think I got back an error once saying the request took too long or something
Hi @Lawrence Finn - the limits/pagination are enforced in the interactive API for all queries that take the limit and offset terms. The request timeout is on the API side and is most often triggered by deeply nested queries, since those touch a lot of different data
ah, so if im making graphql calls from my own graphql client i dont need to use pagination? what’s the request timeout value?
That’s correct - the timeout is 3 seconds
is it possible to adjust the timeout on the client side?
sorry missed this part
The request timeout is on the API side
Is there is a point at which you should use pagination to avoid that timeout? like paginate 100 rows at a time? 1000 rows?
I think you need to use
if your queries are timing out yep.
Like I mentioned above though, the best way to avoid timeouts is to use simpler queries - the more nested something is, the longer it’ll take and the more likely it’ll time out. If you need to fetch data that you would otherwise join, you can always split it into multiple single-table queries
I think most of our queries are pretty simple, maybe the most complex is find flows with names like “xxxx%“. If we are paginating, should we set an order by to ensure ordering is consistent?
You shouldn’t need to @Lawrence Finn but you can!