I built my own image for using Git storage with ss...
# prefect-server
I built my own image for using Git storage with ssh by doing what the docs said
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FROM prefecthq/prefect:latest
RUN apt update && apt install -y openssh-client
However now I get this every run
Failed to load and execute Flow's environment: HangupException('Host key verification failed.\r')
I created a known_hosts file by adding this to the Dockerfile but it didn't help.
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RUN mkdir ~/.ssh && ssh-keyscan -t rsa <http://github.com|github.com> >> ~/.ssh/known_hosts
Any thoughts?
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according to the docs: SSH keys should be mounted to the /root/.ssh directory. It looks like you’re mounting them to the working directory, which I think by default in Prefect images is /opt/prefect/
@Lon Nix but since you’re using Kubernets and Helm chart, this makes sense in your use case: https://docs.prefect.io/orchestration/flow_config/storage.html#kubernetes-agent-mounting-ssh-keys-as-kubernetes-secrets
that is what we're doing
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we still get that error though, so there's either something wrong with the keys we're loading or something else about the job's ssh setup
yeah, some clients require SSH keys to be in a specific format. I’m no SSH expert, but you could look around what type of key is required by the openssh-client package
you and me both 🙂
it’s hard to test it for me because I don’t use SSH, nor Server, but perhaps you can test the entire set up from scratch this way: • (optional) generate a key https://docs.github.com/en/authentication/connecting-to-github-with-ssh/generating-a-new-ssh-key-and-adding-it-to-the-ssh-agent • (optional) adding this key to Github or other Git server you use • run your prefect image interactively (this image must be based on PrefectHQ image + the openssh client):
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docker run -it your_image bash
• manually clone the repo from the interactive terminal in the container: git clone <ssh repo url> to see if this works
that's what I was going to try but the image doesn't have
on it. I have one other thing to test before installing git and going down that path. Thanks
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