Hi guys. I am running prefect server locally and t...
# prefect-server
Hi guys. I am running prefect server locally and trying to access it using the ip_address which i also configured in the
file . But as i access it at
, the page displays but then redirects to the getting started page . So basically i want to access my prefect instance from any other machine.
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Can you share a screenshot of what you see in the UI that seems confusing?
so page opens up but it never loads
and redirects to
so apparently my instance is in azure where certain port is allowed , so i guess 4200 is not accessible. so is there a way for port mapping?
oh, in that case you would need to open up port 4200 in your firewall rules/security groups
@Faizan Qazi you can follow this guide if you don’t know how to do it https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/virtual-machines/windows/nsg-quickstart-portal
@Anna Geller well we are only allowed to open specific ports. so isnt there a way to host prefect at a preferred port?
it’s definitely best practice for security to be mindful of which ports you open to the world. The port 4200 must be opened for ingress traffic though, otherwise your GraphQL cannot communicate with your agents. Perhaps this post explains it better than I do: https://medium.com/the-prefect-blog/prefect-server-101-deploying-to-google-cloud-platform-47354b16afe2 - it shows how to do it on GCP but the steps should be applicable to Azure as well
@Anna Geller Okay so what i am doing is i used the command
prefect server start --postgres-port=5433 --server-port=5001 --hasura-port=5002  --graphql-port=5003  --expose
to use the allowed ports. And when i do a docker ps i get
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CONTAINER ID   IMAGE                          COMMAND                  CREATED          STATUS                    PORTS                                   NAMES
873bfa5bd6bc   prefecthq/ui:core-0.15.7       "/docker-entrypoint.…"   23 minutes ago   Up 23 minutes (healthy)   80/tcp,>8080/tcp          tmp_ui_1
9ca79a768265   prefecthq/apollo:core-0.15.7   "tini -g -- bash -c …"   23 minutes ago   Up 23 minutes (healthy)>4200/tcp                  tmp_apollo_1
ab7c87ddbabb   prefecthq/server:core-0.15.7   "tini -g -- python s…"   23 minutes ago   Up 23 minutes                                                     tmp_towel_1
ef230baeddb5   prefecthq/server:core-0.15.7   "tini -g -- bash -c …"   23 minutes ago   Up 23 minutes (healthy)>4201/tcp                tmp_graphql_1
410c38f08f83   hasura/graphql-engine:v1.3.3   "graphql-engine serve"   23 minutes ago   Up 23 minutes (healthy)>3000/tcp                tmp_hasura_1
82748fbc9f4d   postgres:11                    "docker-entrypoint.s…"   23 minutes ago   Up 23 minutes (healthy)>5432/tcp                tmp_postgres_1
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  endpoint = "<http://ipaddress:5003/graphql>"

  apollo_url = "<http://ipaddress:5003/graphql>"
Then as i start the server the status goes as in figure
I checked the logs of the
container and found out
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[Errno 111] Connect call failed ('some_ipaddress_which_i_dont_know_about', 3000)"}
@Faizan Qazi what I meant was opening the ports on the firewall rules configuration on the VM rather than changing the default ports in docker-compose. Do you have any specific reasons why you cannot use the default ports? Additionally, I’m not sure about this but the linked tutorial says that you should set:
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endpoint = "YOUR_MACHINES_PUBLIC_IP:4200/graphql"
but you did:
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endpoint = "<http://YOUR_MACHINES_PUBLIC_IP:4200/graphql>"
Only the apollo_url is given with http://
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    apollo_url = "<http://YOUR_MACHINES_PUBLIC_IP:4200/graphql>"
You could try and see whether this changes anything.
@Faizan Qazi I saw you asked the same on SO. I will not copy-paste my answer there for now 😄 let me try to check this with you via slack since it’S easier to communicate. Can you try the above first?
😆 1
@Anna Geller The ports are not managed by me and hence I have to use whatever is available. Well I tried removing http in the endpoint. Still didnt work. Lol yea. i did.
for posterity, this has been resolved for now and SO contains the answer
@Anna Geller Thankyou so much for your patience and efforts. Worked perfectly fine :)
🙌 1