hi all! I'm new to prefect. I want to use it to o...
# prefect-server
hi all! I'm new to prefect. I want to use it to orchestate Airbyte. I'm running Airbyte by docker-compose and I'm following the guide from Airbyte web. I want to install prefect inside a ECS Ubuntu 20.04.3 t3.large instance. I'm using Python 3.8.10. https://airbyte.com/recipes/elt-pipeline-prefect-airbyte-dbt I'm follow the guide and read the getting started in prefect documentation. I ran the following commands.
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pip install prefect
Inside python idle I was able to run successfully:
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import prefect
from prefect import task, Flow

def hello_task():
    logger = prefect.context.get("logger")
    <http://logger.info|logger.info>("Hello world!")

with Flow("hello-flow") as flow:

But in the cli, I try to run and nothing. I try to run in the cli
prefect version
and results.
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ubuntu@ip-20-0-0-33:~$ prefect version
prefect: command not found
I dont know what I'm doing wrong. I would appreciate your help. Thanks.
Can you try typing
where python
to see your python installations?
I try the following. Only
which python3
give me results.
How about
which pip
I got this @Kevin Kho
Really not sure what is going on. Maybe you can check
to see if prefect got installed where you expect? Are you using an environment manager?
Hi @Kevin Kho sorry for the lateness. In site packages appears prefect but stills when I run prefect in cli appears.
Copy code
prefect: command not found
I'm not using a environment manager, I install it on python3 of ubuntu.
Which Amazon AMI did you pick? Perhaps you can follow this walkthrough and check if this works then?
@Boggdan Barrientos did you find a solution? i have the exact same problem and cant get the prefect server started
I guess not, but this is really mostly a multiple python installation issue
@Arran not yet. I will take back and try.