hi! our team is currently doing a security audit o...
# prefect-server
hi! our team is currently doing a security audit on prefect right now. what’s the easiest way to get an example of the the metadata that’s being sent to prefect cloud? i.e. how can i view the API calls to prefect cloud that we’re making?
You can see the source code for those here. Most common will be uploading the task run state here
thank you @Kevin Kho! do you know if there’s an easy way for me to see a log of API calls that our particular agent has been sending?
I can’t thing of any on the Prefect side. You would probably need another tool
👍 1
I just remembered this thread. Did you finish this? Cuz I can give you the metadata schema but that’s just for registration
no i think it’s okay! it was an ask from the security team but sending your source code was good enough for them
ah ok sounds good