Good afternoon. I have been making great progress ...
# prefect-server
Good afternoon. I have been making great progress on our inital prefect workflow model. However, I ran into a snag I have no idea how to fix. I have a typical download/unzip/save to s3 workflow that I am trying to send to a generic docker agent (with Flow("<whatever>", storage = Docker()) as flow:). When I try to register, I get a healthcheck error: no module named bs4 / Flow uses module that is not importable. How do I get the flow to use bs4 on the docker agent?
Is your storage definition just an empty
? Maybe you can try adding Python dependencies as seen in the API to add the relevant Python packages?
There is an example here
Thanks, Kevin. Yes, just and empty Docker() object. I'll try this.
That worked beautifully, Kevin. Thank you.
👍 1
So one last question and then I think I have our system up and running: How do you start the agent and detach? I have a docker agent running on red hat, but I don't want the agent to stop if I close my putty session. Any suggestions?
You need some other tool to do that. pm2 or tmux or something like that?
Thank you, again, Kevin.