Are there limits on how many STDOUT lines will be ...
# prefect-server
Are there limits on how many STDOUT lines will be captured in a given timeframe? When using
statements in code and using the
decorator, running a particular flow manually emits 204 log lines, whereas only 103 lines end up in prefect.
In the lower right of this screenshot is a link "Load older logs"
You’re on Cloud right? Is there a pattern to which lines end up like are they the older or later logs?
Yes, on cloud.
My guess is only the newest 100 log lines show up unless you click "Load older logs" I'm going to move toward atomic logging, which will significantly reduce how many individual lines are logged.
Ahh yes logs are paginated in the UI
Is there a flag I can add to the URL that will unpaginate them?
I believe no. The GraphQL API call is the one the limits I think and it just has to do with performance