i have tasks that call operators/connectors that i...
# prefect-server
i have tasks that call operators/connectors that i’ve defined with their own loggers. but even when i set
those logs don’t show. any advice on how to include logs from those other loggers?
Have you seen the page on extra loggers ? Are you on DaskExecutor?
nah i’m not using a dask executor. right now i have something like this:
Copy code
import logging
import logging.config

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

class SnowflakeConnector:
and then in my task i’ll do something like
Copy code
from connectors.snowflake import SnowflakeConnector

def my_task():
    s = SnowflakeConnector()
so that means for every new logger i initiate with a new name, i need to add the name to the
section of the config?
I would recommend passing it as a list in the RunConfig as an environment variable honestly if you can do that, but I think the answer to your question is yes