i have prefect-server (including apollo, graphql, ...
# prefect-server
i have prefect-server (including apollo, graphql, hasura, postgres, towel and ui) and a docker agent running in a local docker-compose environment and i am able to kick off a flow run with the cli
prefect run --name ...
but the agent doesn't seem to actually run the flow logic. Watching the prefect agent logs i see:
Copy code
agent_1        | [2022-03-21 05:41:42,906] INFO - agent | Registering agent...
agent_1        | [2022-03-21 05:41:42,926] INFO - agent | Registration successful!
agent_1        | 
agent_1        |  ____            __           _        _                    _
agent_1        | |  _ \ _ __ ___ / _| ___  ___| |_     / \   __ _  ___ _ __ | |_
agent_1        | | |_) | '__/ _ \ |_ / _ \/ __| __|   / _ \ / _` |/ _ \ '_ \| __|
agent_1        | |  __/| | |  __/  _|  __/ (__| |_   / ___ \ (_| |  __/ | | | |_
agent_1        | |_|   |_|  \___|_|  \___|\___|\__| /_/   \_\__, |\___|_| |_|\__|
agent_1        |                                            |___/
agent_1        | 
agent_1        | [2022-03-21 05:41:42,933] INFO - agent | Starting DockerAgent with labels ['default']
agent_1        | [2022-03-21 05:41:42,933] INFO - agent | Agent documentation can be found at <https://docs.prefect.io/orchestration/>
agent_1        | [2022-03-21 05:41:42,933] INFO - agent | Waiting for flow runs...
agent_1        | [2022-03-21 05:44:39,049] INFO - agent | Deploying flow run 71f0c5d3-b73b-4537-8267-b0fd30325fd3 to execution environment...
agent_1        | [2022-03-21 05:44:39,082] INFO - agent | Pulling image localhost:5000/my-flow:2022-03-21t05-43-58-036580-00-00...
agent_1        | [2022-03-21 05:44:39,284] INFO - agent | Successfully pulled image localhost:5000/my-flow:2022-03-21t05-43-58-036580-00-00
agent_1        | [2022-03-21 05:44:39,689] INFO - agent | Completed deployment of flow run 71f0c5d3-b73b-4537-8267-b0fd30325fd3