So…. anyone read any good blog posts lately :eyes:...
# show-us-what-you-got
So…. anyone read any good blog posts lately 👀 👀
😂 1
not a blog but I have been hanging out a lot in the oreilly app since I have a subscription through the library, and am reading “Designing Data-Intensive Applications”. it has some kind of boar/warthog on it
upvote 3
Great book! I have a copy sitting on my coffee table. I think it’s a fantastic way for web devs to get a better glimpse into the data world, but was a little more focused on one that y’all put out!
🤣 1
haha ah gotcha 😉 my primal need to start a book club on any book i’m reading turned off my irony sensor
100% down to do a tech book club of the month! That’d be a pretty darn good way to do some learning!
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t i m e for a new channel 📚 haha i will get to work on it
📚 3
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Interested! Do share the updates please.
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