Hello, as some of our projects in Infinite Lambda ...
# show-us-what-you-got
Hello, as some of our projects in Infinite Lambda are using Prefect, we decided to share a bit of our great experience with this amazing tool. We needed a way to have a full CI/CD pipeline where we just push our code and it gets automatically deployed and then executed. Here is the article: https://infinitelambda.com/post/prefect-workflow-automation-azure-devops-aks/ I am sure it will be helpful to a lot of people. P🚀
marvin 3
👍 8
🚀 16
🙌 1
@Nikolay Vaklinov thanks for sharing, very well-written! What did you use to create this nice chart? 🙂
🙌 1
@Anna Geller (old account) LucidChart and then Adobe Illustrator.
👍 1
Thanks @Nikolay Vaklinov for a very cool post! Not clear to me why you need push the flow to Azure blob storage, shouldn't it be enough to have the flow in ACR? Is it because you want to be able to separate tasks and flows?
Hello @Espen Overbye. Thank you for the positive feedback and yes, that is correct! We wanted a way to develop tasks separately from flows. It was a requirement we had from a client.