Hi, simple question. I am running an agent connect...
# prefect-ui
Hi, simple question. I am running an agent connected to prefect cloud. I am testing to see the logs with the logger = prefect.context.get('logger') then pass a message to logger.info('whateber message'). BUT i can't seem to find to logs on the UI inside the flow.
Hi @Tomás Emilio Silva Ebensperger - just to clarify: are you having trouble finding logs at all in the UI or are you having trouble finding your specific log message?
the former, i can't find the logs section in the UI, i thought i either can't find it or 2, i have to pre congifure something
Got it! You can find logs by navigating to a flow run page and clicking on the "Logs" tab:
i don't see that option unfortunately
You'll want to navigate to a run of your flow instead; you can do this by selecting the "Runs" tab on the screen you linked and clicking one of the rows, or by clicking one of the runs in the run history chart at the top of the page there 🙂
FOUND IT, thank you!
🎉 🎉