how do i define a json file as a prefect secret wi...
# prefect-ui
how do i define a json file as a prefect secret with multiple values, e.g. to connect to a database in the ui?
Hello Laura! Defining json secrets is the same as for any other type of secrets. Go to Team tab -> Secrets -> Add secret and paste json secret.
thanks for the answer! I want to connect to a database, resulting this error:
Copy code
Unexpected error: TypeError('Connect() argument after ** must be a mapping, not PrefectSecret'
It seems that the issue is related to unpacking, not Prefect. It seems you’re looking for someone to walk you through step-by-step in your setup, which I’m unable to do. If you will face problems with PrefectSecret, please open an issue.
okeey thanks for your answer! I guess that's what the channel is about