Hello, We have recently upgraded our Prefect serv...
# prefect-ui
Hello, We have recently upgraded our Prefect server to the newest version and experiencing some inconsistency after that. One thing is we are experiencing is problems when refreshing a flow page, and then met by _deployment-url_/404? I can se that the flow-id is GUID-1 on initial load of the flow page and then it changes to GUID-2 after the page has been loaded. Check Thread for more information ➡️
We tried a completely different machine that hasn't been using the UI yet, and its the same is happening, we have also tried to remove all the cached data and actually also cleared everything in Chrome. Browsers: Win10 Edge/Chrome & MacOS/iOS Safari, System information: Server: core-0.14.5, UI: core-0.14.5, Deployment: Docker Note: We are running the
prefect-server database upgrade -y
, when upgrading to a different Prefect version., we also performed hard-refresh in the browsers. Console logs:
Copy code
e6d424aa-0fe1-436e-9b0d-af79076eaa9f:1 Access to script at '<https://kit.fontawesome.com/cbf3a0d389.js>' from origin '<http://deployment-url:8080>' has been blocked by CORS policy: No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested resource.
e6d424aa-0fe1-436e-9b0d-af79076eaa9f:12 GET <https://kit.fontawesome.com/cbf3a0d389.js> net::ERR_FAILED
I have been seeing exactly this behaviour too!
Can't help though 😞
😭 1
Where are you running everrything?
Currently running in Linux VM:
, using docker-compose deployment, but I have also tried Win10.
I am running on k8s using the helm chart provided by prefect - this behaviour seems to generally be tied to failures and restarts of the graphql and hasura services - are you seeing similar?
Ahh cool, would go for the helm chart when I have some more time. Anyways, actually no, everything is running great except the inconsistency in the UI. I have been running the same setup since 0.12.0, and it started occurring at 0.14.*.
@Luciano Fernando Palmeira de Almeida this is the same issue we were having yesterday
Multiple has been experiencing this bug, did anybody found a fix?
@Dave would you mind opening a ticket with as much detail as possible (ideally a reproducible example) in the ui repo? Slack messages are harder for us to track. UI repo: https://github.com/PrefectHQ/ui/issues
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P 1
I actually found it you are displaying the Flow Group Id instead of the Flow Id, but I will open up the ticket thank you.
👍 1
@Marvin open "Server flow page bug"
Wrong repo....
@Marvin open "Server Flow Page bug" in UI