After upgrading from 0.13.14 to 0.13.16 UI incorre...
# prefect-ui
After upgrading from 0.13.14 to 0.13.16 UI incorrectly shows Summary and Failed flows aggregations. Looks like they always show stats for maximum time scale regardless of range specified. Graphql query for these stats fetch flow runs based on
field. So does that mean that after upgrade all my flows runs two week old got updated for some reason?
Hi @Alexander - I'm not able to reproduce this on 0.13.16. Is it possible the query is timing out at broader ranges? Is there anything in your JavaScript console?
Nope, i've just checked it: it sends correct $heartbeat timestamp to
field, nothing in console sure, i am checking these things first. I did a manual query of the oldest flow run i could found and it has
field with todays timestamp 🤯 Can this be that this field is updated automatically upon object change, for example, when alembic migration is applied?
Yeah that's definitely the case - anytime postgres touches the row, that fields gets updated
So... everytime i upgrade prefect version, i will see incorrect metrics
Yup, that looks to be the case - I think swapping that to use
instead could be the best course of action.
👍 1