Hi Team, I believe I have found a bug on the prefe...
# prefect-ui
Hi Team, I believe I have found a bug on the prefect cloud UI, when you want to add a label to a label less flow, saving the a new label does not work. example:
Hi @Nakul Gowdra! I am unable to reproduce - did you hit “Enter” after typing out the label? If you still see the issue, can you please open an issue on the UI repo here: https://github.com/PrefectHQ/ui
Yup tried enter as well, this was a demo flow created using tutorial section
once a label has been applied via a new flow register you can delete and re-add labels as expected
Thanks @Chris White will add ticket
Thank you!
@Mukesh Sharma
I just ran into the same problem. When I try to enter a label on the 'Welcome Flow' demo flow the UI lags a bunch and hitting enter does nothing.
Hi @Emma Willemsma! Sorry you’re running into this as well - this has been fixed in UI development but has not been released quite yet; it should be released later today 👍 You can follow UI releases here if you’d like: https://github.com/PrefectHQ/ui/releases
Oh great, thanks!