Hey guys, I love your UI it is incredible, but un...
# prefect-ui
Hey guys, I love your UI it is incredible, but unfortunately after a couple months of use I have to report that I can only use Safari to load it ( I usually use Brave, but it just barely works ). The mobile version doesnt work at all either, which sucks a bit because as a DE on the move, I would love to be able to check my mobile to make sure everything is working great. Are there any tickets on the roadmap to address any of these issues? 🙏 love your work
Hi @Ben Muller - performance is definitely something we're hyper focused on in the coming months, though Brave support in general isn't something we've heard much about and I can't guarantee for support. Do you use any other browsers besides Safari/Brave?
I can use others, I just found Safari, while it works it seems like the cache has some funny things going on. eg. I just left my computer and when I open it the next day it shows that my agent hasn't pinged for a flow in 10 hours and then I refresh the screen and it is all good
I would assume that isnt the expected behaviour
That's expected - we stop polling when you're away to conserve resources though we can definitely improve that by adding some notification that the data is out of date