Hi, i'm not sure if this is a bug or not but the o...
# prefect-ui
Hi, i'm not sure if this is a bug or not but the on the UI when clicking into a mapped task (on a schematic view of a run) you get the "Failed (n)" or "Running (n)" buttons but clicking them does nothing. It would make sense for this to take you to the "mapped runs" view
Hey @Adam Everington, something sounds wrong there since it is a view. Just tested this and here are my screen shots. First is the flow run view, and then I clicked into the mapped task to get the second view.
Could you show me what you are seeing?
Hey @Kevin Kho, I don't have screengrabs to hand as i've just re-worked my flow! If you click the schematic tab rather than the overview then click on the task that being mapped and you'll get a info view on the right with the number of mapped tasks that has failed / passed. If you click on one of those tabs nothing happens.
If you need a screen grab let me know and i'll quickly re-work my flow to show you
bare with... i'm doing it now 😄
Oh yeah I don’t think it would get displayed there. You would need to go to the flow run page
Yeah that's how i'm doing it currently, it just gives the impression it's a link (the finger cursor is there when you hover over it and it does give a link action when clicked). Would it would be useful for it to go through to the mapped tasks page on click?
Oh I see what you mean. Let me rope in the UI team here.
I talked to the UI team btw, that behavior where it looks clicklable is coming from the vuetify component. We’ll look into linking to the mapped parent task run from this view.
https://github.com/PrefectHQ/ui/issues/996 And thank for the kind words 👍
No problem, you've been such a great help, thanks for raising this also