How to work with frozen flows? I see in agent log ...
# prefect-ui
How to work with frozen flows? I see in agent log that flow finished but in cloud UI it is influently in running state. How to debug this problem?
Hi @Ruslan - can you give a bit more info. What do you in the flow run logs in the UI? What do you see in your agent logs?
Copy code
[2021-06-29 14:40:22,742] INFO - Internal01 | Waiting for flow runs...
[2021-06-29 14:40:49,983] INFO - Internal01 | Deploying flow run f7cde753-14dd-48d6-a243-0f4a368a6a91 to execution environment...
[2021-06-29 14:40:50,289] INFO - Internal01 | Completed deployment of flow run f7cde753-14dd-48d6-a243-0f4a368a6a91
[2021-06-29 14:41:22,802] INFO - Internal01 | Process PID 14 returned non-zero exit code
in UI “running” state (it will be influently)
👀 1
Thanks. Let me check with the team on this one and get back to you.
Hi Ruslan - Not sure I can give any more information on what's causing that non-zero exit code but you've inspired a PR to improve the error reporting: