Hey all! Just a very quick question: I noticed tha...
# prefect-ui
Hey all! Just a very quick question: I noticed that Prefect UI only shows the flow run history for the current month. Is there any way to view historic flow runs past to the current month? In case this is not possible, how can I inspect flow runs that are prior to that?
Hi @Carlos Gutierrez - this isn't possible with the run history charts/tiles at the moment but you can inspect your previous runs using the GraphQL API with a query like this:
Copy code
query {
  flow_run {
    # etc
Hey @nicholas! Thank you for your time and apologize for the late response. I was exploring the Interactive API in Prefect Cloud with the query you shared and it only retrieves those flow runs for the current month. I cannot go past that. Is there anything that I'm missing?
Hi @Carlos Gutierrez - which Prefect Cloud plan are you on? History retention periods for Starter and Standard plans are 1 and 2 weeks respectively
Ooooh I see, I completely missed this point. I have a Standard plan with only 2 weeks of historic data. Thank you for the heads up!! And apologizes for the silly question 😅
😄 1
No worries!